C++: Get A Normal Distribution Random Number
作者:XD / 发表: 2020年7月24日 04:11 / 编程笔记/ 阅读量:1983
C++: Get A Normal Distribution Random Number
C++: Get A Normal Distribution Random Number
C++: Format mat to float *
Recently, I did some data augmentation work with C++ OpenCV. Here is one example.
I want to check some papers anytime, so a sharing folder is set to display files.
With scientific mode, variables and functions are easy to check.
I was planning to upload my paper, but the size is more than 10MB. Nginx blocked the process with default settings.
第一次在阿里云部署自己的博客,前前后后用了三天,从Ubuntu, 到Anaconda, 再到Ngnix,遇到了许多配置问题。特此记录,以免下次踩坑。