Basic Vim Commands

Vim is a powerful text editor with numerous commands. Here's a short guide to help you with basic commands, including how to find and replace text.

1. Opening a File

To open a file in Vim, use:

vim filename

2. Switching Between Modes

  • Insert Mode: Press i to start editing.
  • Normal Mode: Press Esc to stop editing and run commands.

3. Saving and Exiting

  • Save changes and exit:
  • Exit without saving:

4. Basic Navigation

  • Use arrow keys or:
  • h (left), j (down), k (up), l (right)

5. Deleting Text

  • Delete a character: x
  • Delete a line: dd

6. Finding Text

To search for a word in Vim: - Forward search (down the document):

Use n to jump to the next match and N for the previous match.

  • Backward search (up the document):
    Similarly, use n and N to navigate.

7. Replacing Text

To replace text, Vim has a powerful substitute command: - Replace within the current line:

This replaces the first occurrence of old with new on the current line.

  • Replace all occurrences in the current line:


  • Replace in the entire file:


  • Replace all occurrences with confirmation:

    Vim will prompt you to confirm each replacement with y (yes) or n (no).

These commands will help you efficiently find, replace, and edit text in Vim. Happy editing!

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