Adding a User in Linux with Password and Sudo Privileges

Managing users in a Linux environment is a crucial task for system administrators. This guide covers the steps to create a new user, set a password, and grant them sudo privileges.

1. Creating a New User

To create a new user, use the adduser command. This command automatically creates a home directory and sets up the environment.

sudo adduser username

Replace username with the desired username. The system will prompt you to set a password and provide other optional details.

2. Setting the User's Password

During the user creation process, you will be asked to set a password. However, if you want to change the password later, use the passwd command:

sudo passwd username

Enter the new password when prompted. Ensure it's strong and secure.

3. Granting Sudo Privileges

To grant the new user sudo privileges, you need to edit the sudoers file. This file controls the sudo access for users and groups. It's crucial to use the visudo command to safely edit this file, as it checks for syntax errors before saving.

Method 1: Using visudo

Open the sudoers file with visudo:

sudo visudo

Add the User to the sudoers File:

In the sudoers file, add a line for the new user:

username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Replace username with the actual username. This grants the user full sudo privileges.

Save and Exit:

In Vim, save the file and exit by pressing Esc, typing :wq, and pressing Enter.

Method 2: Directly Editing /etc/sudoers

Open the sudoers file:

sudo vim /etc/sudoers

Edit Carefully:

Add the following line, ensuring no syntax errors:

username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Save and Exit:

Again, save and exit by pressing Esc, typing :wq, and pressing Enter.

4. Verifying Sudo Access

To confirm that the user has sudo privileges, switch to the new user and run a command with sudo. For example:

su - username
sudo whoami

The command should return root, indicating that the user has sudo access.


Adding a user with sudo privileges in Linux involves creating the user, setting a password, and modifying the sudoers file. Always edit the sudoers file carefully to avoid syntax errors that could disrupt system access. Grant sudo access judiciously to maintain system security.

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