Cloudreve: Personal Web Disk with Docker
作者:XD / 发表: 2023年8月22日 22:42 / 更新: 2023年8月22日 22:44 / 编程笔记 / 阅读量:1048
Cloudreve: Personal Web Disk with Docker
Use Docker to set up a personal web disk. Here are my steps.
Select main path
cd /home/lighthouse/
Download the docker image
docker pull cloudreve/cloudreve
Create the disk folder
mkdir -vp cloudreve/{uploads,avatar} && touch cloudreve/conf.ini && touch cloudreve/cloudreve.db
Create the docker container
docker run -d -p --mount type=bind,source=/home/lighthouse/cloudreve/conf.ini,target=/cloudreve/conf.ini --mount type=bind,source=/home/lighthouse/cloudreve/cloudreve.db,target=/cloudreve/cloudreve.db -v /home/lighthouse/cloudreve/uploads:/cloudreve/uploads -v /home/lighthouse/cloudreve/avatar:/cloudreve/avatar cloudreve/cloudreve:latest
docker logs container_id
to check the admin password -
Login or Signup the account at
Update the disk settings on the Dashboard by clicking the up-left avatar. (cancel the signup, increase the disk volume, change the password, etc.)