TensorFlow: InvalidArgumentError Debug
作者:XD / 发表: 2020年9月14日 03:03 / 编程笔记/ 阅读量:2098
ERROR: InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_7' with dtype int64 and shape [?,?]
ERROR: InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_7' with dtype int64 and shape [?,?]
Sorting Multidimensional Array with numpy
Only one line can get a list of different random numbers (sampling without replacement).
After packaging a tfrecord file, we need to check whether all the files are in the tfrecord file or not.
The memory needs to be released. But the uchar variable cannot be deleted directly after assigned mat data. Here is a trick.
Brazilian Coffee Scenes Dataset (BCS) has five folders, and each folder has coffee and uncoffee images. So I wrote a python file to split BCS into two folders - Coffee and Uncoffee.
C++: Get A Normal Distribution Random Number
C++: Format mat to float *
Recently, I did some data augmentation work with C++ OpenCV. Here is one example.
I have been interviewed several times for computer vision summer intern since I came back to China. Here are some questions I summarized.
I want to check some papers anytime, so a sharing folder is set to display files.
Data Augmentation for Handwritten Recognition Survey
This article summarizes the land use and land cover datasets for classification.
With scientific mode, variables and functions are easy to check.
I was planning to upload my paper, but the size is more than 10MB. Nginx blocked the process with default settings.
This year I submitted two papers for the SPIE conference. The one is receipt recognition, and the other one is sports video analytics.